Uzdrowiciel i Nauczyciel Duchowy
Uzdrowiciel i Nauczyciel Duchowy
Egzorcysta. Uzdrawianie i Egzorcyzmy na Odległość.
Egzorcysta. Uzdrawianie i Egzorcyzmy na Odległość.
  Nawigacja Strony  
  Aborcja - Kto Ma Rację?  
  Aktywna Droga Duchowa  
  Anticanc - Antyrak  
  Biblia - Czy Prawdziwa?  
  Bioenergetyczna Diagnoza  
  Czas Odejścia.  
  Czyszczenie Umysłu  
  Diagnoza Magnetyczna  
  Klub Duchownego  
  Neg. Promieniowanie  
  Obchodzenie Świąt  
  Ochrona AntyWirusowa  
  Pancerz Ochronny  
  Płukanka Pochwy  
  Pomoc Duchom  
  Połpasiec Choroba Zakaźna  
  Przekazy Duchowe  
  Przyczyny Zachorowań  
  Shizofrenia - Opętanie  
  Słowniczek Duchowy  
  System Nerwowy  
  Techniki Uzdrawiania  
  Trująca Woda Chlorowana  
  Usuwanie Klątw  
  Uzdrawianie Poprzez Mozg  
  Windowanie Dusz  
  Woda z Boską Energią  
  Zdrowe Odżywianie  
  Nie Dla Wszystkich  
  Zapalenie Stawu Barkowego  

Help The Planet

Warning! Electronic translation into other languages is often crazy, completely illogical. Take it into consideration.


I heal people and animals mainly at a distance, even in cases of the worst diseases. I also help our planet which is being devastated by fools, greedy and mindless people.

I have worked on our planet already in 1995 and the effects when my work ended were highly satisfying. Back then I have received an order to calm the hurricanes, earthquakes, and volcanoes down, and to work on the Bermuda triangle. An interesting job was to work on Planet X, which back then I didn't knew existed.

Planet X was in very poor condition, near being thrown out of its orbit which would end catastrophically for our solar system. I have received a chart and instructions on how to work on it.

Some people believe that Planet X exists and they try to prove it, but there are also its opponents who try to abolish the theory. However, I have the proof and decided to reveal it with the hope that people will never reach the planet. It is also absolutely positive that in God's astronomy the planet is marked as Planet X.

After the finished work I have asked the Ministrantum (God's ministers) about the results of my work. They told me that I saved that planet. That planet was unnecessarily exploited by other residents of the cosmos who collect the fuel for their spaceships there.

Representatives of other planets have thanked me and said: we know you Jozef, but we thought that it could not be possible to help us without you being here.

The spirit of Earth was very dissatisfied with the results of my work and told me: I didn't expect you to have such power. You've halted the planned global cataclysms for many years, and they were planned for the end of the 1990s.

It was not my interest to help people, most of which don't deserve it, but I did it for our planet. In the end, I did precisely what they've asked me to do.

There were more orders back then, but I don't want to describe it.

At the end of the 1990s and at the beginning of the 21th century I've organized anti-terrorism meditations with my students who graduated to the first spiritual level. Many of them had the same visions during meditations, they saw various situations in which the ghosts of terrorists were very scared. It was then a significant help for the anti-terrorism coalition.

In 2008 I've performed a meditation in favour of our planet. Shortly after it ended China experienced an earthquake, the president of North Korea suffered from a stroke, and Indonesia was hit by a 7.6 strong earthquake.

Already a long time ago the God told me that Earth in many places looks like sewage.

In March 2014 I've asked the maker about something personal. That night I've received a message that I should work on Russia. The next night I've repeated my question, however, that time I was ordered to work on China. On the third and fourth nights I heard respectively: North Korea and Iran.

I knew that this meant working on protecting our planet. After these dreams I've developed a special program, which in these countries handles the left wing (mR. thaT*). Initially, for many reasons, this program operated only for a few hours a day.

* the other one (mR. thaT), the other one's spirits, the other one's people.

At the end of the 1990s I received the following message from the God: Jozef, the following words should not be articulated: Satan, devil, etc. Those are highly coded names and words. By articulating them they become stronger. One has to say the other lord, thaT feels it and is very angry then. Only ignorance can protect us from the other one.

After a week or so of testing my program I've asked the God about the results of my work. That night, in my dream, I've grabbed a large rattlesnake by the throat. I've choked it but at the same time I was safe for me.

I work on the entire planet but the main focus is on four thuggish governments.

You think it's because of the politicians that North Korea decided to give up nuclear weapons in such style? NO, it was my work with angels. It is a very difficult task because the thugs - Russia and China - are hands deep in it for a very long time now. Their intention is to weaken the USA and they are preparing an attack.

Notice, who are those four:

* Russia, China, and North Korea are communist - false democracy.

* Iran stands for religious fanaticism.

Communism, religious fanaticism, as well as Nazism are models from hell.

I've already received an information a long time ago that the other one(mR. thaT) has his headquarters at Kremlin in Russia.

This system cleanses and protects the entire planet, especially taking into consideration those four countries. Furthermore, I cleanse negative emotions and secure my family and my sponsors.

For a few years now only my students decide to sponsor my cleansing of the planet.

Below two pieces of evidence: to enlarge click on the right mouse button and select View Image.

I've decided to open those doors also for sponsors other than my students.

And it is a remarkable chance for the sponsors because each one will receive a reward for it in Heaven. It is a real, organic, and very beneficial business for all sponsors.

mR. thaT always takes his revenge on me. I've already survived 19 assassinations and ambushes for my life by mR. thaT, and there will be five more. thaT tried, multiple times, to cause an aviation catastrophe but my guiding spirits helped me. In one case before my departure from Europe to the USA they've advised me to secure the plane because thaT has organized an attack on me and my family.

It is a constant battle between good and evil, the other one makes my life very difficult, blocks my financial energies, and tries to kill me. In return, during battles I delete his warriors and of course his sons, the princes of hell, as well. At least four sons of mR. thaT's have already failed their battles against me, which ended tragically for them. They received the highest penalties - being frozen in time.

The last to fail were: Beelzebub and Mephistopheles. I've damned one of the mR. thaT's sons (God did not reveal his name to me, he told me “you know it in Heaven, and do not need to know it on Earth”) for annihilation because he did not want to make up for his crimes. The other one was scared of how many injustices he did and how much he has to make up for in favour of each living creature after God showed him his long list of atrocities.

Here I wish to mention that I already did a lot for our planet. One of my earlier acts was cleaning the Gulf of Mexico from the oil spill caused by British Petroleum. I stopped working on the spill after three and a half months. The results are well known.

The scientists have assumed this miracle as their own success because supposedly micro-organisms ate the oil. That is of course a lie and none of them thought what could happen if those micro-organisms ate all that oil. What would happen to those micro-organisms?

In terms of that case I possess documents from president Obama. I've informed the president that I can clean the gulf from this oil because I was permitted to do so by the God.

I've received acknowledgements only once from president Obama. He informed me that he has punished British Petroleum with the sum of 68 million for causing this environmental disaster. I answered that he should have added a few additional zeroes because the pollution was catastrophic. After my letter he called them to his office and after long negotiations B.P. agreed to pay 20 billion.

This was Obama's first success. He thanked me and asked to send him more information, which I did for about 6 years.

I wasn't even thanked for cleaning the gulf, even though I've proposed a price. President Obama trusted me. He bathed in the Mexican Gulf with his daughter to prove that it is safe.

I've also sent two pieces of information to the F.B.I. concerning the bombs installed by terrorists in the Sears Tower boiler room in Chicago. A few days after sending each information, the bombs were found. Concerning these cases I also haven't received any acknowledgements.

Going back to the issue of cleansing the planet from evil, I wish to announce that my system operates with only small pauses, 24/7, each month, all year round. The system is developed against the people and spirits of thaT.

Can anyone be a sponsor of this work? Definitely NO. I accept sponsoring only from honest people, only those whose body and spirit belongs to God, who follow Gods righteous path. It is not important what you call God.

The following cannot be sponsors: terrorist, unjust people, thieves, frauds, deviants, etc. They will not receive their reward in the spirit world, because Heaven is not their home.

Donations may be anonymous, because anonyms do not exist in the spirit world, each person leaves energy which can always be confronted with a specific spiritual entity.

Not the amount of the donation but the energy you pay with is the most important. Excess donations will be used to finish my super important projects such as free energy, 1 in 1000+ vine growing, and other. Yes, one vine may grow 1000 more fruits. After year one I already have an enormous success!

I am already working on free energy for a few years now, and I've spent a lot of money. Basically, for more than three years now we are living with this energy in 90%.

The capital surplus will be passed to government organizations which help families with low incomes.

Although one nation knows, and their religion teaches it, I myself do not know how to take my physical assets to the spirit world.

Remember: in each life, every one of us builds a house that you cannot see. You will see what you've builded only after returning to the spirit world (heaven or hell).

All of what I'm writing here can be confirmed by a very good clairvoyant.

Thank you very much for sponsoring my great work.


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